About Hunters Hill Sailing Club
The Hunters Hill Sailing Club was established in 1961 as the Hunters Hill Junior Sailing Club. The club is a volunteer-run, family-oriented local sailing club that focuses on introducing those of all ages, but particularly children to sailing. Originally based at Onions Point at the mouth of the Lane Cove River, the Club moved to its present site at Woolwich in 1971.
The Club has over the years achieved distinctions in racing at State, National and International level across a range of dingy and sailboard classes with Club sailors attaining a life-long passion for the sport.
The Club's Aims
To foster and encourage participation in the sport of sailing, particularly among youth and family groups. The Club demonstrates a commitment to this aim by the provision of a strong training program that seeks to develop sailing skills in members of every age and skill level. Members are expected to reciprocate by assisting with the smooth running of the Club and ensuring that the majority of the work does not fall to a small group of members.
We have been developing our youth sailing program with the following as our guiding principles:
To create a safe place for teenagers to figure out who they are; to be challenged and supported in that challenge by excellent coaches and infrastructure, and to develop and enjoy a mixed gender peer and friendship group that is at least as strong as school peer groups.
In addition, we encourage our teenagers to continue to sail through their final years of High School, managing their time well and developing leadership skills through working in our Learn2Sail and RaceFleet programs.
We welcome new sailors into our Learn2Sail, junior and youth programs and sailors returning to the sport who are looking for a friendly Club to join, along with their families. The HHSC Sailing Committee organises the Program and answers any questions parents/guardians might have.
Club Administration
The Club was incorporated in 1986 and its affairs are governed by its adopted Club Rules and administered by a Management Committee, which is elected at the Annual General Meeting.
A Sailing Committee headed by the Commodore plans and oversees the Club's racing and training activities. Subcommittees are established as required to manage particular aspects of Club life.
Committee meetings are held monthly on the first Monday of each calendar month. The Sailing Committee meets at 7.00pm, and the Management Committee meets at 8.00pm. These meetings are open to all members, who are encouraged to attend.
Updates on the activities at the Club, changes to the Club calendar and any other items of news are usually posted in the news section of this site, the club Facebook page. Changes to Club Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions will be posted on the Club notice board in the downstairs area.
The Clubhouse
The clubhouse comprises an upper and lower level with the lower level for storage of over 80 boats, change-room facilities and the cantee. The upper level hall is used for indoor training and social gatherings. The hall is available for hire for certain types of social functions by members and community groups subject to approval by the Management Committee.
Boat Storage
Storage for boats is available in the Club and in the adjacent cage in accordance with the conditions of the Club's Boat Storage Agreement and is coordinated by the Boathouse Registrar.
Club membership does not guarantee the right to boat storage and it may be necessary, due to demand, for a member to register on a waiting list pending a space becoming available. Allocation of racks is in accordance with the provisions shown on the application form. Inactive boats will be removed to reduce waiting lists in accordance with the Conditions of Boat Storage.
Car Parking
Please ensure that there is free vehicle access at all times to the western ramp to facilitate the safe launching and retrieval of support boats. Trailers may be parked in the driveway immediately to the west of the clubhouse, but cars are to be removed as quickly as possible after disconnecting trailers.
Car Parking is available in the public carpark for Clarkes Point. Parking in the vicinity of the Club is patrolled and a valid parking ticket must be displayed in the vehicle. Parking in the car park is free for residents of the Hunters Hill Council municipality following an application to the Council for a swipe card that can be used to obtain a ticket. Members of the Club who do not live in the Council area should contact the Club Secretary. Park only in marked bays or along the curbside that is NOT marked with a yellow line. Cars parked contrary to signage will have fines imposed by Council Rangers or Sydney Harbour Foreshore Trust rangers. Additional parking is available near the Margaret Street boat ramp.
The area around the club continues to be developed, with increased barge traffic to Cockatoo Island and the recent upgrade of the Margaret Street boat ramp and car park. The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust prohibits cars and trailers from parking on the grassed area between the two ramps (the 'Horse Paddock'), and rangers will impose fines for breaking their rules.