Newsletter, 11 November 2024
Published Mon 11 Nov 2024
Hunters Hill Sailing Club Newsletter 11 November 2024
Welcome to the latest Hunter’s Hill Sailing Club newsletter.
We’re thrilled to bring you exciting updates, important reminders, and upcoming event highlights as we get into another fantastic season. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or just beginning to explore the waters, our newsletter is packed with stories from our club and ways to engage in our vibrant community. Your passion and participation help make our club a place where adventure, friendship, and learning meet – dive in and see what’s on the horizon!
From incoming President Matt
Firstly, huge thanks to Chris and Kevin, the outgoing President and Commodore, for their invaluable contribution. Their experience and leadership has been key in cementing the club’s culture and success. We look forward to them keeping the ILCA sailors on their toes in Sunday senior racing!
Chris and Sylvie Stannage launching circa 2013 📸 Stannage archives
Chris and Matt on Sunday 📸 Chris Stannage
I am confident in undertaking the presidency thanks to those who volunteer in important roles underpinning a thriving club. I’m thrilled to partner with Ben Howell, the new Commodore leading sailing-related activities. Members know and admire his knowledge and no-nonsense dedication to our club.
Help spread the load – it’s what makes this club special!
Other volunteers form club management and sailing committees, which meet monthly and are accountable for ensuring a safe environment for all club sailors.
There are many jobs for which we need volunteers weekly and there is something to suit everyone, from running Sunday racing or boat and building maintenance to fundraising, communications, and public relations – please offer your enthusiasm and expertise.
Interested in committee participation? Email
Interested in involvement in other sailing-related activities? Chat to your class secretary or the Commodore.
A great way to engage with kids, coaches, and fellow parents is volunteering in the canteen – email
Saturday Teens and Tweens and Sunday Learn2Sail programs are in full swing, with Teens and Tweens mastering launch and landing, downwind kite work on a race course, and critical skipper/crew communication skills.
Starting Sunday 17th November, our Learn2Race Teens and Tweens sailors can participate in a four-week series racing RS Quests at senior club racing. Learn2Race parents – please register and form groups so your sailors can enjoy the unique experience of club racing in a familiar boat with their coursemates.
Sunday Learn2Sail Rookie, Momentum and Pro programs are enjoying learning and adventure sailing. Pro has begun racing, with the goal of participating in a Greenfleet club race by the end of the term.
Congratulations Brodie Dang, Ellery Chai, and Zac Boyd for successfully completing the Learn2sail program and transitioning to Greenfleet and Sunday junior club racing! We were so proud to see you in your Optimists on Sunday in 20+ knots!
Brodie, Ellery & Zac 📸 L2S Coaches
Welcome newly qualified instructors
In the past month, we have welcomed six race fleet sailors as newly-minted assistant instructors! Congratulations Alex Parker, Benjamin Phillips, Cleo Mclay, Milly Thorne, Taylor Lu, and Thomas Maguire – we look forward to watching you nurture the next young sailors and progress on your sailing pathway.
Upcoming camps
Spread the word! Download this flyer to share with your network, including school and community notices. Holiday Learn2Sail camps are open for registration on the website events page. Camps run over five days from 9am-5pm with ‘Balmain bus’ transportation to and from Balmain (Eliot St) and Birchgrove (Cove St).
9-13 December:
16-20 December:
13-17 January:
20-24 January:
Optimist Green Fleet
At junior club racing on Sunday, we introduced a Greenfleet coach and separate Greenfleet start. Thanks to Harper for supporting them and bringing them safely back as the wind strengthened.
Optimist Intermediate and Open Fleets
Sunday Club Championships were enlivened by the southerly arriving ahead of schedule. We managed one race before having to abandon. Support boats were busy – thank you to all, particularly new crew members.
Before the Storm 📸 Alessio De Giosa
Register now for Optimist regattas
NSWIODA is organising the state teams for Nationals, so competitors need to register now:
Optimist Nationals 2025 10th-17th January, Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron
Upcoming local regattas:
Sail Sydney 6th-9th December, Woollahra Sailing Club
Summer Optimist Regatta 14th-15th December, Georges River Sailing Club
Please join the associated Whatsapp group to support logistical planning.
ILCA Fleet
A heavy southerly saw Monarch of the River race 1 cancelled, to the disappointment of a great contingent of ILCA sailors ready to defend the title last Sunday. Stand by for race 2 on February 8th!
This weekend: ILCA NSW & ACT Open & Youth State Championships at Georges River Sailing Club. Register here.
The NOR is here. Watch for forthcoming sailing instructions and check the Whatsapp group for logistics or contact the class secretary to join.
The sailboard program relaunched in the last month with coach Matt Quinlan supported by Tom Squires, the NSW State Foiling Coach, who is passionate about encouraging participation and progression in windsurfing. While Matt trains in WA with the Australian Pathways Team, the sailboard group is being coached by Amelia Quinlan (Australian and NSWIS iQFoil representative) on Friday afternoons. Healthy numbers of 5-10 sailors are working on a goal to join Sunday afternoon club racing!
29er Fleet
To vary sailing pathways for kids transitioning from Opti, we are excited to announce the reinvigoration of the 29er fleet.
10 senior Opti kids have started training weekly on the club 29ers, supported by Coach Connor. Sailing a skiff straight from Optis is a steep learning curve, but these youngsters love the challenge!
Lesson one 📸 Alessio De Giosa
High School Sailing
Our Hunters Hill High School streams are competently and confidently racing the Quests around a triangle course, complete with spinnaker hoists and drops. When the inevitable capsize occurs, skippers are controlling the recovery while crews drop the kites and are ‘scooped up’ in the capsize recovery.
The “Ready, Set, Sail” group recently set a school record, with all Quests circumnavigating Fort Denison in a beautiful southwest wind that shifted to the southeast for the spinnaker ride home – a memorable morning!
The Hunters Hill High School Ready Set Sail group circumnavigating Fort Denison 📸 Chris Stannage
Planning is underway to recruit some of the 40-50 high school kids who sail with us each semester to ILCA class sailing.
Club store
Regatta season is here – does your race bib still fit? Head to the shop to order your technical and lifestyle gear online for free collection at the club!
Club Opti kids rocking their pink beanies represented on NSWIODA social media following a strong ACT regatta result – good stuff!
NSW IODA Facebook page a sea of pink 📸 Unknown
With 321 members across around seven classes, we’re tracking a little below our recent average but upcoming camps should round it out.
For families with more than one non-sailing adult, we have a zero charge ‘Non-Sailing Adult – Partner’ membership to encourage full family participation in the club.
Feedback on the new-look newsletter?