Ahoy sailors! Welcome to this edition of our fortnightly newsletter, packed with updates and exciting happenings from around the club.Training schedules have been finalised across the various classes, so ensure you make the most of every opportunity over the last couple of months of summer sailing ahead! Outside training, numerous sailors from different classes enjoyed some fun field trips to catch Sail GP in action over the last week! Happy reading!

Meeting Team Brazil
Alessio De Giosa
From the President
It was great to be back on the rigging area on Sunday 2 February for the Australia Day Regatta and see so many enthusiastic sailors and families out on a glorious day. Without stealing the commodore’s thunder, the racing was very exciting.
Speaking of the rigging area, last Saturday we organised an excavator to help us prepare it and lay out artificial turf. The good people at Noble Works Australia were extraordinarily generous to get the work done so professionally. We can’t thank them enough. Please consider them for any civil or demolition work you may do in the future, here’s their website. The club also greatly appreciates all the members who lent a hand, that camaraderie is what makes the club great.

Rigging area improvement
Sean Maguire

We’ve had some very encouraging interactions on our social media platforms, Instagram and Facebook lately that are lifting our profile. Our engagement is up, as are our follower numbers. It’s important that our members and friends continue to like, share and comment as much as possible so we can put our best foot forward for future corporate sponsorships.
Good sailing, Matt.
From the Commodore
On Sunday 2 February HHSC continued our tradition of participating in the 189th Australia Day Regatta — the oldest continuously raced sailing event in the world. We had perfect conditions as 26 Optimists and six ILCAs took to the harbour.
Congratulations to Cleo McLay on handicap honours in the Optis and earning an invitation to Town Hall for the Australia Day Regatta presentation. Congratulations also to Zac Boyd and Miles White for 2nd and 3rd places on handicap. Zac Howell, Ethan Wilkinson and Emma Tomkins won the scratch results, with Zac Howell receiving the Hunters Hill Council Trophy awarded to the winner in the largest local fleet.
The ILCA race was a tight affair with nobody dominating the results. Kevin Burman flexed his experience to be first in the scratch results, Patrick Hickon won on handicap, Etta Vowles sailed beautifully to win the ILCA 6 division and Zac Howell took out yardstick results. Special mention also goes to Titouan Christodoulou for competing in his first ILCA race.
Club racing
Results - Hunters Hill Sailing Club
Term 1 2025 Learn2Sail classes commenced last weekend and we welcomed many new members from the camps and Try Sailing to in-term training.

Teens + Tweens Learn2Sail: Penny, Ava, Asher and Evelyn (can you spot AUS Sail GP boat in the background?)
Belle Parker

Teens + Tweens Learn2Sail: Inigo, Scott, Flynn and Thomas
Belle Parker

L2S Pro: Bogdana Diachenko
Belle Parker

L2S Pro: Paige Cleary
Belle Parker
Upcoming Try Sailing and Learn2Sail events
Register on the club website’s events page https://www.huntershillsailingclub.org.au/events for upcoming events and please promote our Try Sailing and Learn2Sail programs to your community networks!
Try Sailing:
Saturday 22 February (9-11am)
Optimist Fleet
We have been encouraging new parent crews to man the RIBs for Sunday racing. Anyone who wants to learn to crew or has a boat licence and wants to build experience, call out via WhatsApp or on the day.
The next regatta is the NSW Optimist Championship 2025 on 5-6 April at Toronto Amateur Sailing Club, Lake Macquarie. Accommodation nearby is very limited.
We are also investigating logistics in preparation for next year's Nationals in Tasmania and will share the plan to assist with organisation as soon as possible.
ILCA Fleet
Training Schedule
ILCA training returns this week! Here’s the schedule:
Tuesdays 4pm: Informal training with no set coaching. Enjoy time on the water with other ILCA sailors — feel free to organise yourselves using the chat group.
Thursdays 4pm: Rigging for a 4:30pm launch. This will be a coached session at the club and we will be off the water at around 6pm or before dark.
Saturdays 10:30am: Rigging for a 11:15am launch. This will be a coached session but we will sail to the area near the heads at the main harbour entrance where we can practice sailing in bigger waves. It will also build endurance for longer regattas. More time on the water in different conditions will make better sailors! We will aim to be back at the club at around 3pm. This plan is weather dependent and we will train near the club if necessary.
ILCA Regattas Open for Registration
2025 Oceania & Australian Masters: 21-24 Feb 2025, Westernport YC
2025 Metropolitan Championships: 8-9 March 2025, Hunters Hill Sailing Club
Skiff Fleet
A 10-12 knot north-east breeze, perfect sailing conditions for 18ft skiff racing, provided a brilliant experience for each of the female crew members entered in the annual Queen of the Harbour race conducted by the Australian 18 Footers League on Sydney Harbour on 2 February.
Casey Sexty, on Smeg, became the Queen of the Harbour for 2025 and runner-up was our own head of Learn2Sail programs, coach Belle Parker on the 18 Footers Bar and Restaurant! Belle sailed with fellow club coaches Nic and Nathan.

Above and below: club coaches Belle, Nic and Nathan racing in the 18s Queen of the Harbour Regatta

Meanwhile, 29er training has recommenced on Wednesdays — be rigged and ready to launch at 4:30pm! The 29ers also enjoyed a great start to afternoon club racing last Sunday. Parent support is needed every week to run racing and no experience is needed.
Boats and Gear for Sale
Do you have a boat or sailing gear to sell? Send your pictures and advertisement text to: Newsletter HHSC
We welcome feedback and contributions via: Newsletter HHSC
Have a great photo you’d like to share for use in the newsletter or on the club social media accounts? Send to photos@huntershillsailingclub.org.au or drop into the club’s Photos Whatsapp group which you can join here.