
Step 1/7: Let's get started
Step 1/7: Let's get started

Membership and Registration

Season 2024-25 Registrations and Membership Renewal is now open!!!!

We have an exciting season ahead as our restructured Learn2 Sail program powers along and our fantastic RaceFleet programs continue to develop across a series of exciting classes!  The links below will take you into our Membership system, and once you've signed up, you will be able to book your sailor(s) into their In-term Learn2Sail or specific RaceFleet team training sessions for Term 2 as well as to book your discounted holiday camps and the like!!  Our Membership Year runs from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025, which aligns with the Club's Financial Year.

As an accredited Active Kids Sports Provider, you can use your NSW Government Active Kids Voucher in your child's renewal. To redeem the voucher please email the QR Voucher Code or Voucher Code to to receive a Discount Code to apply to your booking. Click here to apply, check eligibility or find more information.

We look forward to welcoming you to Hunters Hill Sailing Club - "The Little Club that Can!"

Chris Stannage, President & Kevin Burman, Commodore on behalf of HHSC


You can request boat storage via membership registration. Note all 29ers, 49ers and Nacra 15's will be stored outside in the cage area, along with ILCA dinghies who choose to be stored outside.

Membership Type* Fee (inc GST)
Non-Sailing Adult $140.00
Youth (Up to 18 years old)** - This also includes Sunday morning Learn2Sail members. $560.00

Adult Sailor (18 years and over)

Adult Quest Sailor (Including Quest usage charge)

Teens & Tweens Learn2Sail & Learn2Race - includes Quest / Zest usage charge **





* Fee includes membership with Australian Sailing  
**Youth & Teens & Tweens members must have a parent/guardian who is either an Adult Sailor or Non-Sailing Adult member of HHSC.  

For families with more than one non-sailing adult we have a zero charge 'Non-Sailing Adult - Partner' membership type and would welcome the second non-sailing adult to join. This membership type is strictly for the second non-sailing adult to encourage full family participation in the club.

If you need to look up your Australian Sailing number, there is a lookup tool here.



For our Learn2Sail & Youth Members (and Adult sailors where there is demand for training), the following items are included in your annual membership fee:

  • all in-term regularly scheduled tuition and training sessions for 2024 Terms 2,34 and 2025 Term 1 (including if you transition from Learn2Sail into Green Fleet into OptiRaceFleet, for example.)

  • Race entry to the 2024/25 Sailing season (runs from approx Sept to April - dates tbc); and

  • Members discount to holiday Learn2Sail camps.

For holiday class training camps (eg specialised camps at home or away during the holidays) and regattas where coaching support is arranged (local, State, National etc), participants will be expected to share the costs of coaching on a cost recovery basis, while the Club will support the squad with the provision of ribs / fuel to the extent possible.  For example, a squad travelling to a regatta and taking two coaches would share those costs amongst attendees on a cost recovery basis. Classses are encouraged to organise their own fundraising events to defray the costs of a trip to Nationals, for example by holding a quiz night, movie night, raffle etc. The Hall is available for those events, and classes should liaise with the Committee about events they wish to run.

There has been a small change to the costs of boat storage for the 2024/25 Season, with charges as follows

Boat Type
Cost per Season (inc GST)
ILCA (Indoor Storage)
ILCA (Outdoor Storage)
9ers, Moths etc (Outdoor storage)


Teens & Tweens Learn2Sail and Learn2Race Programs

We launched a new program of sailing classes, coaching and racing in 2022, using our fleet of RS Quest and RS Zest dinghies.  We recognised there is really no organised, structured Learn2Sail and Learn2Race program for those kids who might be too big or too old to learn in a plastic boat, and so over autumn our Instructing Team have put their heads together to build a Learn2Sail program that develops into a Learn2Race program over time, with the aim that participants will then race the RS Quests and RS Zests in regular Club racing from September through April, and develop sufficient skills to represent the Club in the annual Stonehaven Cup, held over Christmas in either Victoria or Tasmania. 

Teens & Tweens who join these programs will enjoy dedicated training sessions through Terms 2,3 and 4 in 2024, and Term 1 in 2025. Of course, should they fall in love with a Laser or 29er, then they can transition into those training groups at no additional charge (unless you decide to buy a boat).  

In addition to the Membership Fee for Teens & Tweens, we have settled on a RS Quest Usage Fee .  This fee will be used to maintain the boats, insure them and offset the costs of boat storage.  This fee is charged built into the Teens & Tweens membership fee of $820.  Each Teen & Tween member will need a parent to take out a Non Sailing Adult Membership as per Youth membership terms.

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